Crimes Against Christmas is a new comedy thriller that sees a host of characters invited to a party in a mysterious house on a remote island.
Christmas is a time of year for family and children, but sometimes as an adult you just need to get away. This year the Lichfield Garrick is teaming up with critically acclaimed comedy company, New Old Friends, to present something a little different for adults only, an Anti-Panto if you will.
Crimes Against Christmas is a new comedy thriller that sees a host of characters invited to a party in a mysterious house on a remote island. No sooner has the party started than the guests start dying in suspiciously Christmassy ways: the Lords they are a-leaping to their deaths, lead pipes are piping people’s heads in and guest of honor Pete Artridge does not like the look of the rope in the pear tree one bit.
What's On have teamed up with New Old Friends to offer you a chance to win four tickets to Crimes Against Christmas at the Lichfield Garrick on Tuesday 27th December.
Competition closes Friday 16th December.
Please answer the question below...
What is the name of the comedy company who have co-produced Crimes Against Christmas?
Crimes Against Christmas is a new comedy thriller that sees a host of characters invited to a party in a mysterious house on a remote island.
Christmas is a time of year for family and children, but sometimes as an adult you just need to get away. This year the Lichfield Garrick is teaming up with critically acclaimed comedy company, New Old Friends, to present something a little different for adults only, an Anti-Panto if you will.
Crimes Against Christmas is a new comedy thriller that sees a host of characters invited to a party in a mysterious house on a remote island. No sooner has the party started than the guests start dying in suspiciously Christmassy ways: the Lords they are a-leaping to their deaths, lead pipes are piping people’s heads in and guest of honor Pete Artridge does not like the look of the rope in the pear tree one bit.
What's On have teamed up with New Old Friends to offer you a chance to win four tickets to Crimes Against Christmas at the Lichfield Garrick on Tuesday 27th December.
Competition closes Friday 16th December.
Please answer the question below...
What is the name of the comedy company who have co-produced Crimes Against Christmas?
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