The dark side

Tom Chambers is a familiar television face, having appeared in Holby City, Casualty, Waterloo Road and Strictly Come Dancing (he won the Glitter Ball in 2008). Following a West End stint in Elf The Musical, he’s now touring the UK in a brand-new production: Torben Betts’ spine-chilling ghost story, Murder In The Dark. What’s On caught up with Tom to chat about the show, which is visiting Birmingham’s The Alexandra in November...

What’s Murder In The Dark all about, Tom?
It's a ghost story surrounding a modern, dysfunctional family who are travelling back from a funeral and involved in a car crash on New Year's Eve. They're taken in by what seems like a nice old farmer’s wife. She offers them temporary salvage in her farm cottage, then all sorts of weird things start happening. The line is blurred between what's real and what's surreal, and the consequences of their past catching up with them in this eerie place. Things get scary because it's a psychological thriller, but at the same time you might be laughing because it's also unbearably comedic!
Who do you play in the show?
Danny Sierra, a somewhat washed-up pop star. He’s facing many demons and insecurities, as he fell from the perch and the trappings of fame. He was famous on both sides of the Atlantic some 20 years ago and has since fallen on harder times. His role is to try and make amends with his family, but he fails dramatically, as his efforts are either squashed or mixed up in what some would describe as paranormal activity. I don't want to give too much away, and we’ve been given strict instructions to ask all members of the audience to keep the two big plot twists a secret! 

Have you worked with any of your castmates before? 
I haven't, no, but that's always part of the fun of starting a new job - getting to know new people and sharing our creative resources. I always find it a fascinating discovery, witnessing what people are capable of. But of course I'm already very familiar with Susie Blake's work from Victoria Wood: As Seen On TV and all the other great things she's done.
Danny is a singer - and you're no stranger to musicals. Do you have any numbers in the show?
Yes, actually. Among the family party is Danny's brother, Will. They originally started out as a double act, playing in pubs and bars, before Danny took off and deserted him to ‘hit the big time’ with a teen pop band. And so at one point the brothers sing together one of their most popular songs from 20 years ago -  but then they’re interrupted by something peculiar!

Why do you think we all love a good murder-mystery?
I heard a very clever man on the radio describing how the human brain hasn't evolved over the last 10,000 years. Our bodies and everything around us have, but our brains can’t separate the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to imagination and storytelling and the effects it has on us. We live in a semi-constant state of anxiety... on the edge of adrenaline, while we wait for either something bad to happen or the possibility of being taken by surprise. So I think a good ghost story or murder-mystery exercises the senses that we’ve relied on for thousands of years to keep us alive as a species! And together, subconsciously perhaps, we enjoy problem-solving or raising our awareness. Plus, the moment someone starts telling ghost stories round the dinner table, it either puts the fear of god into you or your brain starts lighting up like rockets on a dark night! Either way, it’s exciting food for your brain! 
Do you scare easily yourself?
Yes, I do. I tend not to gravitate towards scary things. Mystery, yes, but I'm certainly not someone who prefers horror movies, although I know millions of people do. It's probably because I've got older siblings who would either make me jump or fill my imagination with doubt! Fear is contagious, and so while it’s thrilling doing this play, it’s also a bit like you're experiencing and feeling it for real!
Was working in theatre always part of the plan?
I sort of grew up with theatre, but I wanted to get into television and film because, well, who wouldn't? But I love doing stage work. The magical thing about theatre is that when you sit there with a whole load of other people, it makes you realise you're not alone; we all share similar feelings and responses. People could be watching the dysfunctional family in this play and thinking 'Hey, it's not just me,' or they'll look to their family or friends and be thinking 'That's definitely you,' in relation to what's happening on stage. Or it might just be that you enjoy the shared experience of a live performance. Live events are great because we’re a herd species, and it's really fulfilling and nourishing when you're watching something together.

You made your musical theatre debut in Top Hat. How was the experience?
I did shows for the National Youth Music Theatre and Edinburgh Festivals, and when I left drama school I did loads of theatre, but it was all profit-share and fringe stuff. But doing Top Hat after Strictly Come Dancing was my first-ever professional West End musical. It was both incredible and daunting. I was following in Fred Astaire's footsteps, and he's someone who's obviously very hard to replicate, so it was a huge challenge. It was also a great honour, because I was such a fan of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly back in the day. I suddenly had newfound respect for anyone who works in theatre because you have to be physically and mentally fit, like an athlete. You're doing eight shows a week, and it's all about structure and planning and scheduling and keeping yourself 100% ready with a very precise nutrition plan!
Which theatre jobs have you most enjoyed?
I did White Christmas in the West End and played both the Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby roles, which was really, really fun. Playing the grumpy dad in Elf The Musical was also a lot of fun. Doing Dial M For Murder on tour was another highlight. Top Hat was certainly the big one; a huge role and the show that really started my theatre career. I've been lucky because I've really enjoyed everything I've done since. And now with Murder In The Dark, I pray it continues!

Murder In The Dark shows at The Alexandra, Birmingham from Tuesday 7 to Saturday 11 November