The winner of The Masked Singer 2023, and renowned as a warrior of the pop industry with bandmates Fightstar and Busted, frontman Charlie Simpson today announces that he'll be using his gravel-voiced pop vocals on his next mission to battle a Martian invasion, as he joins the cast of Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of The Worlds The Spirit of Man Tour 2025.
Other cast members are also announced as Anna-Marie Wayne steps up as Carrie (the Journalist's Fiancée), whilst Nathan James takes on the The Voice of Humanity.
Charlie will be playing the role of The Sung Thoughts of the Journalist, which has previously been performed by Gary Barlow (recorded), and on tour with Brian McFadden, Marti Pellow and Justin Hayward . Charlie, Anna-Marie and Nathan join an all-star cast alongside, Enter Shikari's Rou Reynold (The Artilleryman), The Wanted's Max George (Parson Nathaniel) and Maisie Smith (Beth, The Parson's Wife).
Conducted by Jeff Wayne and featuring Liam Neeson in 3D holography as The Journalist, who recounts his story of survival from the Martian invasion of 1898, the tour visits bp pulse LIVE on Friday 18 April 2025.
One of the most trailblazing arena tours of all time, Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of The Worlds returns with a musical spectacular like none other, with the production remaining a favourite to millions around the world, exciting audiences of all ages. In 2006, TWOTW was already considered a cutting-edge production with six trucks filled to the brim. By 2025, marking 19 years of live touring, the production will be up to 12 trucks, with a host of new ingredients and special effects to challenge and excite the senses.
Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds visits bp pulse LIVE on Friday 18 April 2025. Tickets are on sale here.
The winner of The Masked Singer 2023, and renowned as a warrior of the pop industry with bandmates Fightstar and Busted, frontman Charlie Simpson today announces that he'll be using his gravel-voiced pop vocals on his next mission to battle a Martian invasion, as he joins the cast of Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of The Worlds The Spirit of Man Tour 2025.
Other cast members are also announced as Anna-Marie Wayne steps up as Carrie (the Journalist's Fiancée), whilst Nathan James takes on the The Voice of Humanity.
Charlie will be playing the role of The Sung Thoughts of the Journalist, which has previously been performed by Gary Barlow (recorded), and on tour with Brian McFadden, Marti Pellow and Justin Hayward . Charlie, Anna-Marie and Nathan join an all-star cast alongside, Enter Shikari's Rou Reynold (The Artilleryman), The Wanted's Max George (Parson Nathaniel) and Maisie Smith (Beth, The Parson's Wife).
Conducted by Jeff Wayne and featuring Liam Neeson in 3D holography as The Journalist, who recounts his story of survival from the Martian invasion of 1898, the tour visits bp pulse LIVE on Friday 18 April 2025.
One of the most trailblazing arena tours of all time, Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of The Worlds returns with a musical spectacular like none other, with the production remaining a favourite to millions around the world, exciting audiences of all ages. In 2006, TWOTW was already considered a cutting-edge production with six trucks filled to the brim. By 2025, marking 19 years of live touring, the production will be up to 12 trucks, with a host of new ingredients and special effects to challenge and excite the senses.
Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds visits bp pulse LIVE on Friday 18 April 2025. Tickets are on sale here.