Rowheath Pavilion acts as a venue to a number of varying community groups from Stay and Play to Ballroom dancing. It also hosts its own community events and has a Café and a Bar open for all to come and join in.

Trinity Christian Centre Trust is an independent charity established by Pavilion Christian Community specifically to engage in projects that benefit the community. The primary project at this time is the operation of Rowheath Pavilion.

The Pavilion is operated on a not for profit basis. In other words the activities of the Pavilion, rental from community groups, sports groups and commercial users, together with income from functions, the café and the bar all contribute towards the running costs. Any small surpluses are ploughed straight back into the Pavilion itself.

Improvements to the buildings and its surrounds are usually financed by specific fund raising activities.  A good example of that would be the children’s playground.

Rowheath Pavilion,

Heath Road,


B30 1HH
