“Two brothers are on a quest to collect all the words in the world,” explain the Buxton-based Babbling Vagabonds in talking about their new festive-season show. “But a swirling snow storm stops them in their tracks. As they desperately try to work out how to get home in time for Christmas, the words they have gathered tumble out into magical adventures...
“So why not join us on a spellbinding journey filled with stories about mischievous goats, clever hedgehogs - and a funny little man who spins straw into gold...”
The Night Before, The Night Before Christmas
“Two brothers are on a quest to collect all the words in the world,” explain the Buxton-based Babbling Vagabonds in talking about their new festive-season show. “But a swirling snow storm stops them in their tracks. As they desperately try to work out how to get home in time for Christmas, the words they have gathered tumble out into magical adventures...
“So why not join us on a spellbinding journey filled with stories about mischievous goats, clever hedgehogs - and a funny little man who spins straw into gold...”
The Brewhouse Arts Centre, Burton-upon-Trent
various £14