Lionel Bart’s classic musical adaptation of Oliver! returns to the Regent Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, after a 14 year absence, received by an audience that loved every minute!

Bart’s brilliant interpretation of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens was first staged in 1960 and has since become a much loved hit, telling the story of a boy who dared to ask for more... at a time when poor children were often treated with cruelty.

Stage Productions’ current offering is a great success. The company has captured the essence of the play with an authentic presentation of the narrative, score, costumes, choreography and more. It is easy to forget that this is an amateur production and not a West End transfer! 

As is expected in a Dickens adaptation, the story is dark and brutal, while infused with flashes of humanitarian kindness and compassion. The darkness of the era is ever present on stage and yet a hopeful light shines through - a contrast with the horrors of reality in poverty-stricken industrial Britain. The vibrancy and spectacle of the show is both mesmerising and engaging. 

The young cast is outstanding, with memorable performances by Jayden Kay as Oliver and Shaylan Wright as Artful Dodger - watch out for these two treading the boards in future productions. Sam Hands is authentically menacing as Sikes, Kayleigh Ann Strong is impressive as the compassionate and feisty Nancy, and Craig Armstrong is a truly memorable Fagin. The cast as a whole are engaging and entertaining as they conjure up a reproduction of Victorian England.

The staging is atmospheric and enthralling from start to finish. As the narrative unfolds, the audience is transported from orphanage to a wealthier abode and back to the streets of London, invoking a time where life was a lottery and fate a key player. Although these scenes might seem far removed from modern life, the story remains timeless and relatable.

The production boasts a full orchestral score and many well-known numbers, including Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, You've Got To Pick-A-Pocket Or Two and I’d Do Anything. Oliver! is a much loved musical for many people, and it’s safe to say with engaging productions such as this, the show will always remain a classic of musical theatre.

5 stars

Reviewed by Carol Lovatt at Regent Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, where it shows until Saturday 21st October.

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