Stafford Gatehouse Theatre’s Summer School is back for 2022, with youngsters being offered the chance to take part in the hit music show ‘Return to the Forbidden Planet’.
Auditions take place on Sunday 22 May, at the Gatehouse for the project which gives youngsters the chance to take part in a full-scale show on stage after working with a professional director.
The three-week programme runs from Monday 1 August with rehearsals and stagecraft before two performances of the big show on Friday 19 August and Saturday 20 August.
No experience is necessary and full training, coaching and direction will be given.
Gatehouse Marketing Manager Keith Harrison said: "It’s a brilliant opportunity for young people who may have always wanted to try performing on a big stage
There’s no pressure and everyone has a great time. As well as learning about stagecraft, one of the key things is forming friendships and working as part of a team.
Most importantly though, it’s all about having fun. After all, this is the summer holidays and it’s a fantastic way of learning new skills, coming out of your shell or just trying something new."
Organisers are looking for around 40 youngsters, aged 12-21 to take part and are especially on the hunt for anyone who plays an instrument.
The auditions will be from 10am-12.30pm on Sunday, May 22, (ages 12-15) and 1.30pm-4.00pm (ages 16-21).
The fee is £267.00 for three weeks tuition in a professional theatre. Second/third children are £212.95 and there are concessions of £133.00 for those receiving benefits.
Full details are available from the Stafford Gatehouse website or the Box Office on 01785 619080.
Stafford Gatehouse Theatre’s Summer School is back for 2022, with youngsters being offered the chance to take part in the hit music show ‘Return to the Forbidden Planet’.
Auditions take place on Sunday 22 May, at the Gatehouse for the project which gives youngsters the chance to take part in a full-scale show on stage after working with a professional director.
The three-week programme runs from Monday 1 August with rehearsals and stagecraft before two performances of the big show on Friday 19 August and Saturday 20 August.
No experience is necessary and full training, coaching and direction will be given.
Gatehouse Marketing Manager Keith Harrison said: "It’s a brilliant opportunity for young people who may have always wanted to try performing on a big stage
There’s no pressure and everyone has a great time. As well as learning about stagecraft, one of the key things is forming friendships and working as part of a team.
Most importantly though, it’s all about having fun. After all, this is the summer holidays and it’s a fantastic way of learning new skills, coming out of your shell or just trying something new."
Organisers are looking for around 40 youngsters, aged 12-21 to take part and are especially on the hunt for anyone who plays an instrument.
The auditions will be from 10am-12.30pm on Sunday, May 22, (ages 12-15) and 1.30pm-4.00pm (ages 16-21).
The fee is £267.00 for three weeks tuition in a professional theatre. Second/third children are £212.95 and there are concessions of £133.00 for those receiving benefits.
Full details are available from the Stafford Gatehouse website or the Box Office on 01785 619080.