Tamworth's free fireworks spectacular returns with a breath-taking display to light up the skies above the Castle Grounds on Saturday 2 November.

The event will bring a great evening of fun for the whole family, with this year's display set to music ‘through the decades’. The fireworks will light up the skies above Tamworth at 7pm, with the site open from 5pm with food stalls and a fun fair. 

This year to assist with access safety to the event, road closures will take place at Anker Drive between 6.45pm - 7.45pm, River Drive between 7pm - 8pm, A51 (between Snowdome island and the football stadium) between 7pm - 8pm and Ventura Park Road 7pm - 8pm.

Council staff will be handing out wristbands for children, at the main entrances for parents to write their contact details on, in case a child becomes separated from their grown up. Alternatively, parents can place a wristband on their child at home, prior to arriving, to save queuing at the entrances.

There will also be the opportunity to visit Tamworth Castle after dark, last admission is 5pm, doors close at 7pm. No viewing of the fireworks will be possible from inside the castle. Normal admission prices will apply.

People are advised to walk or use public transport where possible and to arrive in plenty of time for the fireworks as some footpaths around the area will close during the display for safety reasons.   

Councillor Lewis Smith, portfolio holder for people services, leisure and engagement, said: 

“We are delighted to be able to host such a large event for the 15th year, free of charge.

“The event has attracted up to 25,000 people in some years and obviously there is quite a lot involved in the logistics of getting everyone in and out safely. The layout this year will help assist with the flow of people and traffic, but we do ask visitors to bear with us, follow signs and listen to the stewards when exiting the arena.

“If possible, people are advised to walk or use public transport, but if anyone is driving in, we would remind them that highways and parking regulations do apply and anyone parking illegally could be fined. 

“I hope lots of visitors come along to enjoy the celebrations safely. We’re lucky to have the facilities to make it all possible to deliver an amazing display of pyrotechnics and entertainment.”