The hugely admired Brodsky Quartet have performed more than 3,000 concerts and released in excess of 60 recordings since their formation in Middlesborough way back in the early 1970s. And fairly remarkably for an ensemble of such longstanding, the quartet still features two original members - Ian Belton (violin) and Jacqueline Thomas (cello), while a third, viola player Paul Cassidy, has been on board since 1982. 
These Leamington Music appearances see Brodsky performing all 15 of Shostakovich’s string quartets across six concerts in one weekend.  
“Come and revel in the personal diaries of one of the world’s greatest-ever musicians,” the quartet urge Midlands classical music lovers. “Initially inspired by life - the birth of his son - and finishing with our collective demise, Shostakovich’s masterpieces address family, friends, enemies and lovers, with every conceivable emotion explored. We promise you a rollercoaster. Take the ride!” 

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