This unique show brings together live music and theatre to tell a story of discovery, joy, and renewal.
Designed especially for babies and children under six, The Wonderland Garden offers musical storytelling that the whole family can enjoy.
Featuring classical instruments and South Asian percussion, music drives the story as our main character and Robin experience a garden through the seasons, illustrated by a playful set inspired by pop-up books.
The show runs for about 25 minutes, followed by a 20-minute 'stay and play' session, where you can meet the musicians and interact with their instruments.
Explore the beauty of the changing seasons...
This unique show brings together live music and theatre to tell a story of discovery, joy, and renewal.
Designed especially for babies and children under six, The Wonderland Garden offers musical storytelling that the whole family can enjoy.
Featuring classical instruments and South Asian percussion, music drives the story as our main character and Robin experience a garden through the seasons, illustrated by a playful set inspired by pop-up books.
The show runs for about 25 minutes, followed by a 20-minute 'stay and play' session, where you can meet the musicians and interact with their instruments.
Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry
12.45pm & 14.30pm £16 (1 Adult + 1 Child) / £9.50 (Additional Adult)