An exhibition exploring a world ‘where football, music and Coventry combine’ is currently available to view at the city’s award-winning Music Museum. 

Commenting on the temporary display, which is titled We’ll Live And Die In These Sky Blue Towns, the venue’s founder, Pete Chambers, said: “The exhibition will give football fans a chance to leave their mark, be it placing their team on our fan wall or just voting with a red or yellow card to let us know if we got it right or not!”

This new exhibition is partially based on the anthemic song recorded by Coventry trio The Enemy, but looks to go much wider and explore a world where football, music and Coventry all combine.

From the Sky Blue Song to the anthem of the 1987 FA Cup “Go For It” and onto The Enemy’s iconic “We’ll Live and Die in These Sky Blue Towns” - random words that began life scrawled on a toilet wall at the Coliseum nightclub in Coventry, and have become ubiquitous at every Sky Blues home game.

The exhibition will give football (and non-football) fans a chance to leave their mark, be it placing your team on the fan wall, or just voting with a red or yellow card. Overlooking the whole exhibition will be the world’s largest Ska-bbuteo figure Tommy Houchen who you definitely won’t want to ‘flick to kick’.

Before the opening the Enemy were presented with a ‘Number One’ statuette that all chart toppers are now presented with.