Tom has finally moved out of his parents' house...

The always dapper Tom Allen is a master of camp comedy. Often likened in style to legendary raconteurs Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howard, he also doffs his comedian’s cap in the direction of Michael McIntyre and Eddie Izzard. 

Tom is visiting various Midlands venues across the next few months with his new touring show, Completely. 

“The title is about finally being completely grown up,” Tom told beyondthejoke. “I finally moved out of my parents’ home at the tender age of 38. I use the show to talk about getting used to having my own home, how stressful it is buying a mattress. Also, you know, being an adult means that your friends are adults, which sometimes means their children coming around and wanting to chip the paint off the wall... 

“I lost my dad a couple of years ago, so I talk about that, too. I think it’s important to talk about all of life and not be afraid of it.”  

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