A much in-demand comedian, over the last year Brummie funny man Andy Robinson has shared stages with such big names as Kevin Bridges, Sarah Millican, Jo Brand, Sean Lock and Gary Delaney. He also hosts Comedy Carousel every Thursday (officially What’s On readers’ favourite comedy night!), and presents Pops The Question for BrumRadio (posing questions inspired by pop songs to fellow comics). Andy sees out 2017 and welcomes in 2018 at The Glee Club, Birmingham, with fellow comics Dana Alexander, Paul McCaffrey and Mickey D.

Looking back over the last 12 months, how do you think 2017 will be remembered?
It's tempting to label it as a year of unforeseen and mind blowing "surprises" - Trump's inauguration, Article 50 being invoked, Coventry being awarded the City of Culture etc etc. I'm personally not sure if it's the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. I suppose it could all be remembered as the beginning of the beginning or the end of the end too.

Any quirky or amusing news stories spring to mind...?
Walnut Whips had the walnut taken off them so they're now just called ‘Whips’ and people were outraged. In other news cheese on toast with no cheese on it is to be called ‘toast’.

In your own career, what's been some of the highlights? Have you had a good 2017?
I've had a great 2017! I supported some big name comedians so got to perform in some rooms I would not play on my own merits. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the patrons of the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury for playing it three times on separate occasions this year. With so many funny people in the world I'm just delighted to be working to be honest.

One of the highlights must have been Comedy Carousel picking up the What's On Best Comedy Show award for 2017. How did you feel when you heard you'd won?
Ah, it was great! I'm pleased that it won from votes by the public and it meant a lot as we work hard on that show and, despite it being one of the Deadly Sins, I felt a sense of pride. Having said that I'm also a lustful, gluttonous, envious, greedy and wrathful lazybones so I try not be too self-judgemental.

As you'll be on stage at midnight on December 31, does that mean you'll you be raising a glass to the New Year backstage after the show with the other acts?
If I can grab a moment. I count the New Year in, conduct an Auld Lang Syne singalong and then deejay for the rest of the night, so I'm extremely busy. I love seeing in New Year though. I feel a bit like Jools Holland although I actually do it on New Year’s Eve and not sometime in early December.

As a comedian, do you normally work New Year's Eve?
If I can, otherwise I'd be at home watching Jools Holland’s Hootenanny, pondering that it isn't live and was filmed in early December. Just to say, Jools Holland is a national treasure and we don't appreciate him enough. We'll miss him and his boogie woogie sensibilities when he's gone.

Do you have any New Year resolutions?
I do, they're all based around stopping and/ or starting something or other. Every year I slightly regret not learning the words to ‘Auld Lang Syne' thoroughly enough. Also, the perennial resolution of the comedian: to write funnier jokes.

How will you be spending New Year's Day?
Hopefully with a warm glow reminiscing about the thrills and spills of the show from the night before. Also putting off writing funnier jokes. I'll start tomorrow.

Do you have any predictions for 2018? 
Trump's impeachment; a second referendum on the terms and conditions of Brexit; Walnuts going back on ‘Whips’. Admittedly they're hopes rather than predictions.

What are your own plans for the year ahead? Can we expect more Comedy Carousel shows?
To take Curtis Mayfield's words of advice and "keep on keeping on". Perform more gigs, write funnier jokes, do more internet radio shows I do for BrumRadio (Pop The Question ... check it out if you want) and all of that kind of things, I suppose. And the award-winning Comedy Carousel shows will continue to run every Thursday at the Glee Club in Birmingham. Happy New Year to all your readers. As Curtis says, there's still a lot of faith, warmth and trust …

Andy Robinson hosts The Glee Club Birmingham’s New Year’s Eve Party on Sunday 31 December 2018. Comedy Carousel returns after a brief Christmas break on Thursday 28 December 2018.

For more information visit glee.co.uk

By Dave Freak