As part of DZC’s 85th anniversary celebrations, the attraction are planning on launching a 2023 fundraising zoo calendar and are on the hunt for images which depict the quirkiness of the zoo, including the animals, 11th century Dudley Castle and architecture.

 Photographers can submit up to two pictures each, which must have been taken within the last 12 months.

Competition rules

  • The competition is open to all ages. 
  • The closing date is 30 April 2022. 
  • Entries must be emailed to
  • Files must be saved as a JPEG in the entrant’s name. 
  • Two entries per person. 
  • The file must be big enough to print, in high quality, at least 300dpi. 
  • There must not be people in the photo. 
  • Images must be natural. They may be enhanced to make it brighter or clearer, but not manipulated in any way. 
  • No watermarks or signatures should be included on the image. 
  • Images must have been taken within the last 12 months. 
  • The photographer retains copyright and the winners will be credited in the calendar. 
  • By submitting your images to the competition, you consent to them being used across all DZC platforms (print, digital and social media).