Have a bee-autiful, crafty half-term this May!

Buzz over to the Castle and celebrate National Children’s Gardening Week with and have a go at making bee hotels! Available 11am to 4pm, Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 May.

Inspired by the wonderful nature and wildlife all around Hartlebury Castle, children can make their very own mini bee hotel during the holidays. You’ll show off your design skills decorating a terracotta pot and building your bee hotel with clay and bamboo sticks.

Keep on celebrating our pollinating friends as you follow the Bees and Bugs Family Trail through the historic Bishop’s Palace and fascinating Worcestershire County Museum. And, don’t forget to see how many different spring and summer flowers (and bugs) you can spot around the beautiful Castle gardens and moat!


Whole site admission + £3.50 for the craft activities - includes all materials, plus the family trail.

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