Celebrate the Festival of Blossom at Hanbury Hall during March, April, and May with a range of activities including blossom bathing, crafts, face painting, talks, storytelling and yoga. The country retreat in the heart of Worcestershire is home to several species of blossom trees, including plum, pear, apple, and cherry blossom.

Inspired by the Japanese tradition of 'Hanami', or flower viewing, the Festival of Blossom, created by the National Trust, invites people to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of blooming blossoms that can be seen across the country.

In the Long Gallery during March, younger visitors can enjoy free, drop-in blossom themed crafts daily, including origami and colouring, join a nature inspired storytelling session with friendly volunteers on weekends. They can also have their face painted with a beautiful blossom artwork every Sunday from 11am - 3pm. The Long Gallery will be decorated with hundreds of colourful knitted blossom flowers, handmade by National Trust volunteers.

In April, visitors can have a go at blossom bathing in the walled orchard, filled with 56 varieties of heritage apple trees adorned with pink-tinged blossoms. They will be able to help themselves to a yoga mat, take a deep breath and rest beneath the beautiful apple blossom. Local yoga teacher Emma from Be You Be Yoga will be holding drop-in yoga sessions in the orchard on Thursday 17 April and Thursday 24 April at 2pm, where families can learn simple, fun yoga poses to promote mindfulness and relaxation. Emma will also be holding a bookable, adult yoga class at 9.30am on Monday 28 April.

Visitors can also join a Hanbury Hall Gardener on Wednesday 30 April at 11.30am and 12pm for a short talk in the apple orchard to learn more about the blossom that can be found in the gardens.

In May, there will be blossom themed activities on the lawn next to the Hall for families to help themselves to, including stepping stones and a sound bath bell tent.

All money raised from these activities goes towards looking after Hanbury Hall for future generations. Thank you for your support.

Visit the Hanbury Hall website to find out more about how you can join in the blossom celebrations.

Share your images on social media using the hashtag #BlossomWatch