The Webbs story begins in the mid-nineteenth century as seed merchants in Wordsley, Stourbridge. The name Webbs came to stand for unwavering quality and soon led to becoming royally appointed seedsmen to Queen. Now the dedicated team at Webbs continue the story in the two award-winning garden centres, in Wychbold and West Hagley, and by offering the same high standards to customers across the UK through the online shopping. As an independent family company Webbs can offer you help, advice and most of all great quality.
The Webbs story begins in the mid-nineteenth century as seed merchants in Wordsley, Stourbridge. The name Webbs came to stand for unwavering quality and soon led to becoming royally appointed seedsmen to Queen. Now the dedicated team at Webbs continue the story in the two award-winning garden centres, in Wychbold and West Hagley, and by offering the same high standards to customers across the UK through the online shopping. As an independent family company Webbs can offer you help, advice and most of all great quality.
Opening times
Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm
Sat (& Bank Holidays): 9am - 6pm
Sun (& New Year's Day): 10.30am - 4.30pm
Webbs Garden Centre,
Worcester Rd,,
Droitwich Spa,
Telephone: 01527 860 000