Neil Cowley Trio
Wed 23 Apr
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Making an initial splash via his time with the Brand New Heavies, Neil Cowley has since become known for performing music that’s very much from the sophisticated end of the rock genre.
His Trio first came together 19 years ago, their muscular anthems and galloping grooves placing them at the forefront of a new jazz movement. Their current UK tour marks the first time they’ve performed together in seven years.
“In my life, there have been no closer allies in musical support and brotherhood than my beloved Trio cohorts, Rex Horan and Evan Jenkins,” says Neil. “So, in my quest to end a period of musical solitude, it was obvious to me who I should call!”
This month’s Conservatoire concert will see Neil, Rex and Evan performing fan-favourite Cowley classics alongside music from their brand-new album, Entity.
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham
7.30pm £15 upwards