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Sculpture in the Park
Cutting-edge contemporary art meets historic landscape.
“During the pandemic, I lost my dad,” explains Suzanne Holtom, “and as a result, my trips back home to the West Midlands became far more frequent. It was this continuing return to my original home, contemplating and experiencing this embodied landscape, that initiated a new direction in my work.”
A deep mapping of place - encompassing geological time, personal experiences, social histories and memory - has become the primary motivation in Suzanne’s art.
The paintings featured in And Hills Bore Scars - which draw from ‘geosites’ in the Black Country Global Geopark - contemplate bodily forms, land masses, histories, patterns of energy and industry, layered materiality and shifting terrains.
Visitors to the gallery on Saturday 10 May can join Suzanne for a printmaking session and a tour of her exhibition.
The New Art Gallery, Walsall